PokéBest Help | Filters
Last updated
PokéBest Help | Filters
Last updated
These are filters that are not limited to just filtering your own Pokémon but also market and Pokédex. Note: Only the most used filters are specified here, if you wanna know all filters, Join the support server by doing p!server, we will help you out.
You can also search using
symbols for a range of IVs, Levels, Price Ex: --hpiv > 19
p!pokemon --shiny
Search for shiny Pokémon
p!pokemon --name <Pokemon Name>
Search for a certain Pokémon
p!pokemon --nick <nickname>
Displays a Pokémon with a certain nickname
p!pokemon --level <level>
Search for Pokémon with a certain level
p!pokemon --type <type>
Search for Pokémon with a certain type
p!pokemon --price <price>
Search for Pokémon with a certain price
p!pokemon --mega
Search for mega Pokémon
p!pokemon --megable
Search for Pokémon that can mega evolve
p!pokemon --limit
Limits the search
p!pokemon --iv <IV>
Search Pokémon with sum of their IVs
p!pokemon --legendary
Search for legendary Pokémon
p!pokemon --mythical
Search for mythical Pokémon
p!pokemon --ub
Search for Ultra Beast Pokémon
p!pokemon --alolan
Search for Alolan Pokémon
p!pokemon --evo <Pokemon Name>
Search for Pokémon by their evolutions
p!pokemon --starters
Search for starter Pokémon
p!pokemon --galarian
Search for galarian Pokémon